BEING WATER +VE, SAVE WATER, EARN MONEY, a noble initiative by AqVerium – World’s 1st Digital Water Bank

BEING WATER +VE SAVE WATER EARN MONEY a noble initiative by AqVerium – World’s 1st Digital Water Bank

Just after the International Water Day on March 22, these efforts to save the precious water on Earth become even more meaningful. Being Water +ve is an international influencer program by the WATER SAVERS COALITION aimed at encouraging Water Savings across the strata of the society.

WATER SAVERS COALITION, a good behavior platform by AqVerium – World’s 1st Digital Water Bank, is a global consortium of water conscious entities & individuals.

The program encourages to Save Water and report the same on a regular basis. Suggested ways and means will be shared on from time to time. Once you Register with the Water Savers Coalition. By this you automatically get a Digital Water Savings Bank A/c with AqVerium – World’s 1st Digital Water Bank. The users then take a Water Pledge for which 5 AquaKredit – Water Credits will be credited to ytheir  AqVerium Digital Water Bank Account. (1 AquaKredit = 1000 litres of water saved). They  will also get a Water Savers Coalition Badge which can be displayed on the respective social media and all communication channels. They share Water Saving Data on a monthly or quarterly basis, supported by valid proof of saving such as Water Bills or any other verifiable document. Once the data is verified and validated, users will be credited with AquaKredits commensurate to the savings.

AqVerium will also provide an offset platform for selling these AquaKredits to prospective offset buyers on a bid and ask model. You can post bids on the platform or wait for quotes offered by prospective offset buyers.


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