Eduthon Fest 2023 is all set for 26 February at Poona college

Eduthon Fest 2023 is all set for 26 February at Poona college

Series of events started by the launch of Journey Aspiring to Inspiring by Dr.Saravjeet Kirad, Founder Scholarstree, Vedgunn Foundation, Eduthon and Shweta Pankaj Co-Founder Scholarstree and Eduthon to give due credit to educators for their hard work which was hardly noticed by anyone, and, then there was no looking back, our journey of events had started.

Eduthon Education beyond syllabus came into existence in 2021 and it was officially launched on 5th February 2022 on the occasion of Saraswati Puja Virtually. Many eminent Educators, Principals, Professors, sports persons, media persons, influencers, entrepreneurs people from different streams countries shared their thoughts on Education Beyond Syllabus.

Under Eduthon – Education Beyond Syllabus we have conducted a  series of seminars on many topics like talk shows online offline events, interviews, seminars, kidz mania, Sahitya Sangam and joined hands to support others with the tagline Breaking Barriers Opening Path. After successful events

Team Eduthon had launched Aprajitta Women of the year awards to salute women hood on  8th March 2022 and started to felicitate women for their commendable and remarkable efforts.

We are privileged and Honored to be associate with Poona College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Camp,

  • Prof. Dr. Aaftab Anwar Shaikh, Principal
  • Prof. Imtiyaaz Aaga, vice Principal
  • Prof. Zeenat Merchant
  • Dr. M. Shakir Shaikh
  • Prof. Zuber Patel for the EDUTHON FEST.

Eduthon Fest 2023 is all set for 26 February at Poona college

Pillars of team Eduthon

1) Dr. (HC) Saravjeet Kirad

Founder Scholarstree By Vedgun

Preschool, Daycare& Franchise services

Founder Vedgun Foundation (NGO)

Co-Founder Eduthon



Co-Founder Scholarstree By Vedgun

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[Pre- School, Daycare, Activity Centre, Nursery Teachers Training, Franchise Services

Co-Founder Eduthon


Founder Palingo Peoples Lingo

Co-Founder Eduthon

Founder WIN CONNECTS Group

4) Dr. (HC) Prachetan Potdar

Founder Stay Featured

Co-Founder Eduthon


5) Dr. (HC) Akshay Kamble


This event is supported by

  1. Shotokon Karate Do Sports Association – Water Sports
  2. Dattatray Paralkar – Smrudh Vyapar
  3. Neel Deshpande, Neel Designs
  4. Gargi Limaye- Founder Eduwrite,
  5. Rupesh Dharmik – Brand Maker RD
  • Venue of the Event

Poona College of Arts, Science and Commerce.

Opening of the event will be with opening ceremony followed by International mother tongue language day, Felicitation of Chief Guest, Guest of honour, special guests after that We will witness to some inspirational stories during the event, at last Aprajita Women of the year awards ceremony will take place to represent women’s day.

  • Purpose of this event
  1. Eduthon Fest is the platform where you can take part as a community, networking and sharing ideas and Knowledge so we can grow together.
  2. Listen great minds  at the Journey Aspiring to Inspiring  edition 4
  3. Meet and greet for empowering women within our reach at Aparajit Awarad Season-2
  4. Cherish and Applaud our thoughts through poetry.


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