“Clean & Hygienic Drinking Water Filters with Refrigeration”set up at a cost of Rs 18 lakh inaugurated

“Clean & Hygienic Drinking Water Filters with Refrigeration” set up at a cost of Rs 18 lakh inaugurated
Deepak Induru, Director, BGM Mining & Infra ltd seen inaugurating Clean & Hygienic Drinking Water Filters with Refrigeration at NRIUMSD. Also seen are Prabhakar, Suresh Gupta, Dr Ahmed Minajuddin

Hyderabad, November 19, 2021: The Clean & Hygienic Drinking Water Filters with Refrigeration set up at a cost of Rs 18 lakh at National Research  Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders inaugurated.  It was set up under the CSR initiative by BGR Mining & Infra Ltd in partnership with Rotary Club of Jubilee Hills. 

National Research Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders (NRIUMSD) is an apex Institute of Unani medical research in the country, working under the Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine (CCRUM) – an autonomous organization under the Ministry of AYUSH, It is an institution of National importance. 

The inaugural was graced by  Rotarian K Prabhakar, District Governor, Rotary Intl as chief guest.  Dr.Ahmed Minhajuddin, Director Incharge of the National Research  Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders also graced the function.

It was inaugurated by Sri Deepak Induru, Director, BGR Group.  Rotarian Murthy Vadapalli, Assistant District Governor, Rotary Intl was the guest of honour. 

Speaking on the occasion, Deepak Indrudu, said the BGR Mining and Infra Ltd was extremely happy with the treatment from Unani center in Hyderbad for one of their young family members and wanted to do good in return to this institute which charges only a nominal amount of Rs. 20 for consulting and gives medicines for free. This service is for all classes of people and it is proven to be a very effective medicine.

Rotarian Prabhakar lauded the effort of BGR Group and Rotary Jubilee Hills.  Clean drinking water, hygiene, and sanitation play an important part in maintaining health, he said.

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President Suresh Gupta of Rotary Jubilee Hills said Rotary Club of Jubilee continues to partner with BGR Mining & Infra Ltd., in implementing their CSR initiatives. This partnership started with a Power Generator donated to a Hospice last year and this time it is a clean drinking water solution in all the buildings of National Research  Institute of Unani Medicine for Skin Disorders.


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