After the release of answer key, NEET results expected soon, this time with higher...
New Delhi, : Education Minister Ramesh Pokhriyal Nishank had said that the NEET result will be declared soon to prevent any further...
Parul University Selected to House a State Government Sponsored Supercomputer facility for advanced high-end...
Baroda, Gujarat : The prevailing challenges in scope of education, have resulted in an increasing demand for the move towards education 4.0 amongst...
AURO University celebrates Gandhi Jayanti by organizing Gandhian Engineering Idea Competition
More performance from less resource for more people is the model and the essence is affordable excellence, says Dr R A Mashelkar
Surat, Gujarat :...
IDT students made Gandhiji’s portrait inspired from India’s handloom
Surat, Gujarat :Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, had a very strong opinion on the handlooms and had a very passionate view...
IDT celebrates World Tourism Day at Surat Airport
Surat : On the occasion of World Tourism Day, IDT, a fashion and interior design education centre based in Surat, encouraged the arrival of...
Virtual Celebration of the Grandparents’ day at G. D. Goenka International School, Surat
Surat, Gujarat : Though the cons of CORONA virus are grave, the pandemic has proved to be the best time for family bonding. We...
Daily Rounds & Marrow: Empowering the Doctor Community Digitally
Bangalore, India :The pandemic and the ensuing lockdown brought down a plethora of difficulties upon everyone. Students are no exception to this. With schools,...
G.D. Goenka International School, Surat wishes our PM Mr. Narendra Modi a Super 70th...
Surat : In order to mark PM Mr. Narendra Modi’s 70 th birthday, the team at G.D.Goenka International School, Surat went about with the...
The Goenkan Grandeur now a part of The IPL 2020
Surat, Gujarat : G.D. Goenka International School, Surat takes immense pride in announcing that the alumnus -Manav Patel has been selected in the Rajasthan...
“First 3 Years of Your Child May Determine His or Her Career Success”
Mumbai : Albert Einstein’s famously said, “Each child is born a genius”. But we do not see many geniuses around us. Hence the obvious...